Enviroment, Enviromental Law

Expert Lawyers in Envioromental Law.
Article 45 of the Spanish Constitution says that we all have a right to enjoy an adequate environment and also have a due to conserve it. Public administrations shall ensure a rational use of resources and shall sanction whoever infringes environmental regulation.
There has been an exponential increase in the last few years of the interest, both by citizens and administration, to look after nature. Public powers, as guarantors of health and environment, may sanction those actions against law with growing punishment.
However on Enviromental Law does not only exist fines, but an important part of its existence is the prevention. Therefore, the issuing of Environmental Impact Evaluation Reports (Informes de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental) are mandatory in multiple urban actions.
Sanctions go from 601€ until 6.010€ on lands or waste generation, until 3.005€ on atmospheric emissions and until 600.000€ on discharges.
One of most contested problems of this Law field is the prohibition of being sanctioned both by criminal and administrative procedures at the same time, as happens in other matters.