Administrative Sanctions
Although most common administrative sanctions are driving fines, not only those are the only kind of sanction, being also those which consist on the loss of a right or expectation, excepting for deprivation of liberty, bewaring of the proportionality between infringement and sanction.
Our Law Firm, expert on Administrative Law, appeals any kind of administrative sanction, whatever its origin was, at all procedure stages, both before administrative authorities, meaning the previous stage through the initiation of a proceeding, investigation and resolution proposal, and before administrative Court (Juzgados de lo contencioso-administrativo and Tribunales Superiores de Justicia).
Being very aware of the principle of infringement limitation periods: very serious infringements prescribe after three years (except for urban ones, after four years), serious after two, and minor infringements after 6 months (from the infringement date).
That is precisely why we carefully analyse administrative sanctions’ gradation, trying to, if annulment is not possible, at least obtaining a reduction on the amount to be paid.
We are at your disposal for any inquiry related to administrative sanctions.